Fitting Cost (by Product)

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Fitting Cost (by Product)

Rather than using a generic fitting list that applies to all products you can set specific fitting costs to specific items in each catalogue. This will enable you to use the "Calculate from Catalogue" button when you add fitting to a quote/order.


Click Fitting > Fitting (by Product)


1.Select a furniture catalogue from the drop down box.

2.Click Load Catalogue

3.All products in the selected catalogue are listed in order of their types and categories (e.g. Accessories/Accessory is first).

4.There are 2 choices of how to specify a fitting cost: fitting item or cost/sell prices.


Fitting Item:

This drop down displays each fitting item you may have already set up in the fitting configuration.


Cost and Selling Prices:

Click in both boxes to enter an exact cost price and a selling price to fit the specific product.


5. Click Update to save and close the window or click Select Another Catalogue to save the current catalogue and repeat the process for a different catalogue.


Related topics:

Adding fitting to a quote/order