Price Comparison

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Price Comparison

When you have saved a furniture quotation/order you can compare the total order value with the price of other furniture ranges. This feature is only applicable to complete furniture catalogues where the units and doors are supplied together.


With a saved quotation open, go to the Current Quotation menu (along the top, next to Help) and select the Price Comparison Guide option from the bottom of the menu.

This opens up a table to show you all the manufacturer’s ranges and the total price of the order in that range.


The 2 additional columns show the difference in price as a value in pounds and pence and as a percentage. The range that your original quote uses is displayed in red.


Availability Issues

Any availability issues appear in the column highlighted red. This usually means that an item/items are not available in that range.

Right-click the red highlight to open a detailed screen that shows you the products concerned with their prices.



To print any of these price comparisons select which ranges you want to print by ticking the box in the right-hand column and click Print. (By default all of the ranges are selected for print out).


Related Topics:

Current Quotation Menu