Word Processor

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Word Processor

In addition to the standard documents EQ can generate and print, there are a limitless range of documents you can create yourself. E.g. include a covering letter with a quote, or personalised copy of your terms and conditions.


You can create your own documents and use merge fields. Merge fields are text place holders that you input when making a template. When you come to use that template all the relevant data is "merged" into the right position. E.g. <Forename> is replaced with the customer's forename. You can very quickly make custom documents this way.


There are 2 ways to setup merge documents. Select your word processor:


Microsoft Word


Both work in a similar way but you have more flexibility if you can use Microsoft Word. Note Microsoft Word 97 or newer must be installed on the same PC as EQ. If you use a remote desktop login to EQ you will need Word on the same remote system, .e.g terminal servers.