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The Appointments Diary displays the same information that is entered into the customers screen via Contact History. The 2 displays are interlinked so that changes in the customer screen flow through to change the appointment diary and vice versa.
You can decide exactly which type of contact history and appointments to display on the Appointments Diary by going to Diary > Actions
Browse Appointments Diary
Click Diary on the top toolbar to open a diary style view of all appointments.
Scroll through the dates to see all appointments and reminders.
Note you can open the appointments diary more than once so you could have different filters applied (see below) in different windows.
Editing Appointments
Double click on one to open up the edit window. (The same screen as opened in the Customer window).
This allows you to change the details using the same drop down boxes.
Click Update to immediately save the changes and update the appointment.
Change Time
You can change the time of an appointment by clicking once on it’s coloured box and then clicking and dragging it’s “handle” at the top and dragging it with the mouse to a new location.
You will see the appointment snap to the diary lines as you move the mouse cursor.
You can change the duration of an appointment by using a similar method. Click once on the appointment’s coloured box and click and drag the bottom “handle” to extend the appointment’s duration. You can only drag down to extend. If you need to start the appointment earlier, use the top handle to move it up.
Customise Layout
This view can be customised to show only certain appointments.
At the bottom right select the blue Expand icon to show a pane down the left of the screen.This shows you all the available filter options which you can use to narrow down which appointments are shown.
Saved Filters
You can preset filters by saving them. Saved filters appear as a drop down option underneath the Appointments icon on the main toolbar for quick access. See the Tools > Users menu for setting forced filters where EQ users can only see set filtered views of the diary.
•Put a check in the resources you want to view and combine that with the filters below.
•Click Filter List to apply the filter.
•Use Show All to return to the full view.
Use the Print button (on the top toolbar, or at the bottom of the diary screen) to print out a diary style view of the appointments. If you have filtered the list, the print out will be the filtered data, as seen on screen.
Recording the Results
1.When the appointment is over you need to record the result. Click the Appointment Results button (Or return to the Contact History tab and right-click the date of an appointment).
2.Now select an outcome of this event in the Results box. For example this could be:
a.Quoted – when you have given the customer a quote. You then get an additional box to record the quote reference.
b.Lost - if the customer does not want to go any further select Lost.
c.ReAppoint – It is likely that you will need to have a follow up appointment. When you select ReAppoint and press Update you are immediately given a new appointment window where you can select your new date and input new details. Complete this box the same as the first appointment.
Click the Edit Popup Contents icon to add in your own answers.
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